We try to choose ladies wisely. Newbies do not appear all the time, but sometimes we search for new girls to make the good variety of choice to clients. If a lass wants to work with us and become an escort woman, she has to show some skills and match our high standards, which were created to always leave customers happy and satisfied.
What type of lady GIA gladly takes as courtesan? It is simple. This woman should be beautiful, intelligent, well-bread and classy. We want maids to stay courtesans only in bed with clients, but they need to be a great escort to anybody who prefer to order them to a trip together or at business-party escort.
Beauty is out of question at all. Everyone of our females is really stunningly beautiful. We want them to stay this way at all the time, so we try to teach them how to look up at themselves and treat their body the right way. Everyone of GIA prostitutes has a great body meeting beautiful and lovely face. So customers are really attracted to GIA's call-girls - they are incredible not only on photos, as it often happens in other agencies. You can look at them in real life and admit what they are pure picture perfect - that's what we aim to.
Also our clients need to know, about we don't operate with one maid at all of the time. At some moment our roads and goals part, and we try to refresh prostitutes once for each half-year or even more often. Those maids who stay eager to men and confirm themselves as true prostitutes which are hard to find are ultimate choice, and we operate longer with them.
To every newbie we make few castings to see if she matches goals and high standards. Some of castings are held to find out more about how does a woman look like in swimming suit or even without it, some of them have the goal to show female's intelligence and inner world. If we find female the right candidate to work with GIA agents, she starts her career. We look carefully at each review, and if new call-maid has 3 or more negative reviews from her clientage, we immediately stop working with her. Each negative review counts. We want customers to stay satisfied with what we do.
We don't like courtesans to be professional. They just do what they like and like what they do. Most of them are students or unemployed females who take care about their home. Still when they operate with us, they have only one meeting a day - not more, because agency doesn't prefer maids tired from too many men. That's why if you meet girl and take her out to a date, you don't have to be worried about who was before you. You surely are the one at least for such exact day. Some of ladies prefer to work rarely, that's their choice and we allow them to do it.
Each courtesan who works with this agency is experienced, beautiful and really smart lady. Why hesitate ordering one of them?
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